We always try our best to make the process from order placing to delivering clear and easy to understand. However, you may find on some occasions there will be something not right. We hope this article will help make it more clear for you to understand our shipping process.
- We have a tracking number for each order.
- The tracking number may come from either UPS or FedEx. Please refer to Shiping Method for more details.
- Depending on the courier you selected, you can trace the item through www.ups.com, www.fedex.com, or through www.17track.net.
- Some orders may have issues during the shipping process. The packages may get lost or the shipping status may not be updated for a long period of time. We will follow up on these shipments regularly.
- Though we will try our best to avoid item damage or loss during shipping, we cannot rule out the possibility of item damage or loss.
- If there is any loss or damage, we will file a claim with the courier we used. Please understand that it may take a while to get the result of the claim.
- We, as all our buyers, hope there is nothing wrong with your order (s). However, if things happen, please allow some time to get the issue solved. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
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